Archiscape Blog
Designing for Little Humans: How to Connect Them to Their World
Daycare centers are places where children can play and learn in safe, supervised settings. But when our firm designs childcare spaces, we have loftier ambitions. Our team knows from experience that we can collaborate with daycare center owners to craft environments that meet kids’ baseline needs but go further to foster meaningful connections to the…
Early Childhood Education: How To Design With Nature in Mind
If you’ve ever seen a child playing in and exploring the great outdoors, it won’t surprise you to learn that those experiences are essential to their physical, mental, and emotional development and wellbeing. That’s not our opinion—it’s a well-established fact. And it aligns with what common sense tells you as you watch a child ponder…
Traveling Architect: Aotearoa New Zealand
Every year the University of Hartford awards one or multiple graduate students the Tai Soo Kim Travelling Fellowship—a travelling fellowship that supports a Master of Architecture student’s travel expenses up to $6,000. When our team member, Molly Straut, graduated in 2021, she and her fellow classmate were the student team that was awarded the Tai…
Patriquin Architects – The Best of 2022
Looking Back on 2022 Invigorates Exciting Momentum into 2023 2022 has been a year of amazing growth individually, collectively, and particularly for our clients and partners! We would like to take the opportunity to pause and reflect on the year and share some of our favorite highlights. Patriquin Architects is Growing Welcoming New Members…
Welcome to the Team, David Symonds!
Please join us in giving an enthusiastic welcome to the newest member of our team, David Symonds! David joins Patriquin with more than 20 years of architectural experience in educational, athletic, community and corporate/industrial sector projects. We are thrilled to have the former Moser Pilon Nelson and QA+M Principal bring his experience as a leader…
Welcome to the Team, Nick Granese!
Please join us in giving an enthusiastic welcome to the newest member of our team, Nick Granese! Nick joins Patriquin as a recent ’22 graduate, having received his BS in Architectural Design + Technology from the University of Hartford. Below, he shares his favorite aspects about the job of an architect and finding inspiration. Why architecture?…
New Haven Register – In New Haven, two developers present plans for Strong School site in Fair Haven
Our conceptual study for the former Strong School in Fair Haven, CT has been recognized by the city of New Haven. Check out the article here. In New Haven, two developers present plans for Strong School site in Fair Haven Mark Zaretsky Sep. 16, 2022 NEW HAVEN — After 12 years of the former…
Care and Collaboration: How We Design Near Sensitive Ecosystems
Buildings do not exist in a vacuum. They are part of a continual give-and-take with their surroundings. Consequently, one of an architect’s most important objectives is creating visual and functional harmony between a structure and its environment. This can be particularly challenging when a building, like a school, is situated near a sensitive ecosystem and a…
Patriquin Architects 2022 Annual Outing!
As part of our annual company retreat we celebrated with Breakfast, Pecha Kucha, Sleeping Giant, Lunch & Great Connection!
Patriquin Architects Awarded 2022 AIACT J.E.D.I. Small Firm Award
We won the AIA Connecticut Justice, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion Award for Small Firms! AIACT’s J.E.D.I. Knowledge Community promotes the chapter’s position on acknowledging and denouncing racism and sexism, removing barriers to opportunities, and promoting the success of all individuals in the profession to feel welcomed, respected, supported and valued to fully participate. We cherish…